奢华都市车避开堵车,停车等,这些让人头痛的城市交通烦恼,直步带您冲向下一场会议。 独一无二的奢华舒适体验,仅在新型电动车,Leia Gabriel LUV。
高级内饰,彰显非凡尊贵。 车辆的内部和外部均采用顶级材料制作而成,堪称永不过时的经典。
LUV 的最高时速达到130km,续航里程为160 km。它的可调节行李隔箱完美适用您的日常通勤,甚至周末旅行!
受益于它的小体型(90 cm x 360 cm),一处车位可以停下两辆LUV,让城市生活更轻松。由于体型小巧且动态加速,使其可轻松穿梭在繁忙交通的中。
最高时速:130 km/h
净重:650 kg (1,433 lbs)
航程:160 km
Eyal Avramovich是一位连续创业家,他不断开拓进取,名下已注册有数个专利。 几年来,他一直在完善两人电动车的构想,并最终开发出奢华都市车Luxury Urban Vehicle。该产品面向眼光独到,且品位不俗,对生活品质具有高要求的企业高管。
Project launch encompasses both a captivating
concept and a wealth of technical information.
Team has conducts thorough examination of user
needs and requirements to ensure project meets
demands of the modern market.
Miniature product replica official debut.
Project is characterized by its sleek and sophisticated
LUV interior and exterior styling, presenting a
unified and aesthetically pleasing design.
Project development and R&D with prestigious
automotive industry advisors.
Coordination of large-scale investments and
partnerships to kickstart production
of final model.
Launch of global outreach program.
Pre-sale launch in localized markets.